Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Flight with Dagwood!!

We spent a bit of time with D-Wood in the MD 500. A great flight and Sarah was only queasy, she didn't puke. I hope the video loads OK. Sarah and I flew with Darin about three years ago in a Schweizer (the little one). The power of the 500 and Darin's very smooth flying skills were quite evident right from takeoff. I am so impressed with Darin's hard work and dedication with his flying. Thanks for all the fun Darin.


Da Bell's said...

Unca Darin...your'e the coolest ever! We can't wait to fly with you...I hope I don't barf!

Da Bell's said...

Darin is a Amazing we love him!!!! I cant wait to fly with you either but I think that Chris might puke. Haley